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Monitoring means consistently measuring performance and providing ongoing feedback to employees and work groups on their progress toward reaching their goals. Ongoing monitoring provides the opportunity to check how employees are doing and to identify and resolve any problems early.

Staff Recommendations
Title Description
360-Degree Assessment: An Overview An overview of the use of 360-degree feedback. Includes discussion on sources of input, privacy issues, questions, and answers.
Improving Customer Service Through Effective Performance Management Describes how agencies can use their employee performance management systems as tools to help them reach the customer service goals under Executive Order 12862 (Setting Customer Service Standards) and the Results Act.
Planning and Measurement in Your Organization of the Future Provides guidance for measuring organizational and group performance that can be applied to improve the employee performance management process.
What Did You Say? The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback Illustrates an effective model for giving and receiving feedback.

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Policy Documents
Title Description
The Policy Perspective on 360-Degree Assessment Provides a summary of legislative, regulatory, and Governmentwide policies that relate to 360-degree appraisal.
The Policy Perspective on Customer Service Standards Provides a summary of legislative, regulatory, and Governmentwide policies that relate to Customer Service Standards.

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Title Description
360-Degree Assessment: An Overview An overview of the use of 360-degree feedback. Includes discussion on sources of input, privacy issues, questions, and answers.
Improving Customer Service Through Effective Performance Management Describes how agencies can use their employee performance management systems as tools to help them reach the customer service goals under Executive Order 12862 (Setting Customer Service Standards) and the Results Act.

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Newsletter Articles
Title Description
Balancing Measures of Performance Reviews the performance measures being used by the New York Regional Office of the Veterans Benefits Administration. This approach uses organizational outcomes that become the basis for performance ratings and rewards.
Customer Service Standards Describes how employee performance management processes can support and promote organizational customer service goals.
Feedback is Critical to Improving Performance Describes the critical components of effective and timely feedback, how they contribute to a successful performance management program, and how they should be used in conjunction with setting performance goals.
Measurement Activities in Full Swing Looks at the steps several Federal agencies are taking to design their strategic plans and measurement systems to comply with the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993.
NPR Highlights Customer Feedback Highlights a 1-day workshop held in 1996 that featured experts in customer satisfaction measurement from Federal agencies, educational institutions, and the private sector. Describes valuable lessons learned as shared by the workshop speakers.
Update on Performance-Based Actions Discusses issues dealing with performance-based actions (the reduction in grade or removal of an employee based solely on performance).

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Book Reviews
Title Description
Designing Feedback: Performance Measures for Continuous Improvement Presents a concise plan for the design, development, and use of feedback in a variety of work settings that includes the use of different types of measures.
Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart Offers a down-to-earth guide for improving both individual and organizational performance.
Planning and Measurement in Your Organization of the Future Provides guidance for measuring organizational and group performance that can be applied to improve the employee performance management process.
Sustaining Knock Your Socks Off Service Discusses performance management basics such as: improving customer service using goal setting, feedback, measuring performance, and recognition and awards.
What Did You Say? The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback Illustrates an effective model for giving and receiving feedback.

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