

The help topics are as follows:

Using Navigation

Do NOT use the browser’s Back and Forward buttons for navigation within the lesson pages of this web site. Use the Back and Next buttons at the top or bottom of each page.


To close popup windows associated with bulleted lists, exercises, and concept reviews make sure to use the Close button at the bottom of the box.

When completing a lesson exercise or review, it is important to use the Submit button instead of the browser buttons.

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What Are Those Little Popup Boxes?

To make this site viewable by persons with disabilities, most graphic elements have "alt tags". These help screenreaders tell what the graphics are about or what the text in the graphic says.

This is an example of an ALT tag.

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Setting Screen Display

The steps below explain how to set Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 to a screen resolution of 800 by 600 pixels. Most monitors will support this setting. If you're having trouble getting the settings to work or don't have the following options available, most likely your monitor does not support 800 by 600 screen resolution.

Step 1: From the "Start" menu, choose "Settings" and "Control Panel".

Step 2: Double-click on the "Display" icon.

Step 3: Click on the "Settings" tab as shown above.

Step 4: Under "Desktop area", move the indicator to reflect "800 by 600 pixels".

Step 5: Under "Color palette", select "256 Color" or higher (High Color (64,000 colors) or True Color (16 million)).

Step 6: Click "OK" to save the new setting and close the Control Panel window.  If you are prompted to restart your computer, do so.

NOTE:  If "800 by 600" isn't available on the slider control for "Desktop area", you may need to click on "Change Display Type" and select a different monitor.

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Enabling JavaScript

This Suite makes heavy use of JavaScript for interactivity and navigation.

If you've gotten this far, it's enabled in your browser. But if you need instructions on how to enable JavaScript, here's how:

For MS Internet Explorer users:

  1. Select Internet Options from the Tools menubar items.
  2. Click on the Security tab.
  3. In the "Security level for this zone" section, choose Custom Level.
  4. Scroll down to the second to the last setting titled "Scripting", and under "Active Scripting" select "Enable".
  5. Click OK.

For Netscape users:

  1. Select Preferences from the Edit menubar items.
  2. Click on the Advanced item in the Category list on the left.
  3. Check the Enable JavaScript item.
  4. Click OK.

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